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This hybrid conference focuses on Enhancing Resilience, Reducing Stress & Supporting the Wellbeing of Doctors. Following the recent GMC commissioned report ‘Caring for Doctors, Caring for Patients’ the conference addresses how we can meet the recommendations of this report and work more to deliver effective resilience and wellbeing programmes to support doctors and other clinical staff working in the NHS.
“Medicine is a tough job, but we make it far harder than it should be by neglecting the simple basics in caring for doctors’ wellbeing. The wellbeing of doctors is vital because there is abundant evidence that workplace stress in healthcare organisations affects quality of care for patients as well as doctors’ own health ”
Caring for Doctors, Caring for Patients November 2019
“Over a third of doctors working in secondary care also indicated that they’d been unwell as a result of work-related stress in the previous year.”
Caring for Doctors, Caring for Patients November 2019
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to enhance resilence, reduce stress and support the wellbeing of Doctors
- Reflect on the lived experience of a Doctor under pressure
- Learn from outstanding practice in delivering wellbeing programmes
- Reflect on national developments and learning
- Understand the factors which impact on the mental health and wellbeing of medical students and doctors
- Improve the way Doctors support Doctors through developing a compassionate workplace culture
- Develop your skills in bringing joy back to work
- Understand how you can improve self-care
- Identify key strategies to foster joyful places to work using quality improvement methods, leadership models, team building exercises and other tools and methods
- Explore causes of stress and supporting doctors to reduce stress
- Identify what support is out there for doctors and how can a colleague or an organisation support a doctor in difficulty?
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence