Improving the Assessment and Management of People Experiencing Mental Health Crisis in Emergency Care

News and updates from today's Improving the Assessment and Management of People Experiencing Mental Health Crisis in Emergency Care conference 

Mental Health Crisis in A&E: A Personal Journey

James Downs
Patient Representative Royal College of Psychiatrists and NHS England
Lived Experience Consultant & Peer Researcher

• what crisis feels like in A&E: a personal journey
• working in partnership to improve crisis services
• how can emergency services improve care for people experiencing mental health crisis

EXTENDED SESSION: Meeting a one hour standard for mental health crisis in A&E - A Toolkit for Improving Care

Faye Noble
ED Consultant and MH Lead
Gloucestershire Royal and Cheltenham General Hospitals

• the standard: implications for A&E departments
• is the standard achievable with current resources?
• what can we learn from the recent HSIB investigation into the provision of mental health care to patients presenting at the emergency department
• a toolkit for improving care
• governance – Risk registers, incident forms, breaches, and complaints
• case studies and examples of good practice: learning from the pilot sites


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