Improving Access, Treatment and Support for People with a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder

News and presentations from today's conference focusing on  Improving Access, Treatment and Support for People with a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder both during and beyond Covid-19.

A Lived Experience Perspective

Leroy Simpson
Person with lived experience of personality disorder

• how can we improve the lives of people with Personality Disorder?
• the journey to diagnosis
• how can we reduce the stigma attached to a personality disorder diagnosis?
• improving access and services for diverse communities
• engaging with people to encourage continued contact with services
• understanding the lived experience

Leroy gave a lived experience perspective including the journey to diagnosis and reducing the stigma attached to personality disorder diagnosis.  He spoke about how we can improve the lives of people with personality disorder and engaging with people to encourage continued contact with services.

Improving Services for People Diagnosable with Personality Disorder

Professor Peter Tyrer
Emeritus Professor in Community Psychiatry
Clinical Faculty of Medicine, Department of Brain Sciences
Imperial College London

• improving services for people with personality disorder
• challenging misconceptions & reducing stigma
• the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
• principles of compassion, curiosity and empathy
• issues around medication: is there a consensus?
• what does best practice look like?
• how do you care for those refusing care?
• balancing the risks and benefits of compulsory treatment

Peter discussed the reasons why the personality disorder diagnosis is stigmatized.  He commented 'we know from research data that personality disorder is very common in the community and in all parts of psychiatric practice'.  He also discussed the different classifications and mangement of PD from mild to severe PD.

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