Hospital at Night Summit: Improving Out of Hours Care in Hospital


Chair’s Opening Address: Hospital @ Night - Current Developments

Dr Juliane Kause
Chief Medical Officer The Anvil Group International Consultant Physician
University Hospital Southampton Foundation NHS Trust

• widening access to out of hours hospital care
• hospital at night, out of hours care, seven day services - “same difference”?
• design concepts for OOH services
• culture change - Seven Day Services and OOH care - where are we now?
• the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic - and learning moving forward
• challenges - consultant presence out of hours, development of advanced nursing roles

Improving support for staff at night: Fighting Fatigue in staf

Dr Nancy Redfern
Co-chair Joint Association of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Anaesthetists and faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Fatigue Working Party, Consultant Anaesthetist Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust

• changing attitudes across the NHS to ensure everyone understands the risks of fatigue and how to mitigate against them
• practical approaches to reduce fatigue and ensure staff take breaks
• improving junior doctor support at night
• the challenges of Covid-19
• the fighting fatigue campaign

Changing the way we manage our front door

Prof Parag Singhal
Consultant Endocrinologist Weston General Hospital

• widening access to out of hours hospital care
• managing admissions during both day and night
• changing ways of working and culture
• our experience and what we learned from the pandemic 

Managing pain at night

Inge Bateman
Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist In-patient Pain Service Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

• ensuring patients’ experience of pain at night is managed
• managing pain and educating frontline staf


Improving Patient Safety: Reducing falls at night

Carrie Tyler
Falls Clinical Nurse Specialist Broomfield General Hospital

• capturing the information around falls at night: what to measure and what is significant
• shared characteristics of patients who fall
• reducing the risk of falls at night: effective interventions, including Human Factors
• sharing evidence and RCA findings

Working with primary care to support for patient out of hours

Dr Chris Campbell
General Practitioner, Associate Medical Director Devon Doctors Ltd and Senior Clinical Lecturer Exeter Medical School

• working across organisations to improve out of hours support
• avoiding hospital admission
• our experience 

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