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This conference focuses on ensuring early diagnosis and effective management of Sepsis, and improving outcomes through effective after care following sepsis infection.
5 people die with sepsis every hour in the UK.
Managing the timely and accurate diagnosis of infections presents substantial challenges for the NHS, with approximately 130,000 patient blood stream infection episodes in England per year, with an acute trust having approximately 870 episodes per year on average.
Remember that sepsis represents the severe, life-threatening end of infection. The key to improving outcomes is early recognition and prompt treatment, as appropriate, of patients with suspected or confirmed infection who are deteriorating and at risk of organ dysfunction. By the time the diagnosis becomes obvious, with multiple abnormal physiological parameters, risk of mortality is very high. Your clinical judgement is crucial to how you approach the individual patient.
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improve practice in the early recognition and management of Sepsis
- Reflect on the lived experience of a Sepsis Survivor
- Understand Sepsis risk for Covid-19 survivors
- Learn from outstanding practice in reducing mortality from Sepsis
- Improve the way you recognize and respond to the deteriorating patient
- Develop your skills in Sepsis Leadership
- Understand how you can improve antibiotic prescribing for critically ill patients with suspected sepsis
- Ensure you are meeting National Standards in ensuring early diagnosis and effective management of Sepsis
- Develop the role of the sepsis nurse and sepsis champions
- Understand how digital tools and alerts can improve practice
- Reflect upon how outcomes can be improved and mortality reduced in sepsis patients
- Consider the impact of anti microbial resistance on the management of sepsis
- Understand and learn from Sepsis Clinical Negligence Claims
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
100% of delegates who attended our June conference would recommend it to a colleague
100% of delegates who attended our January conference said it would have positive impact on patient care