Deteriorating Patient Summit

News and Updates from today's Deteriorating Patient Summit

A Lived Experience Perspective

Jessica Tuffield 
Patient Representative, Volunteer and Sepsis Survivor
The UK Sepsis Trust

• my journey through deteriorating and sepsis

Opening todays conference is Jessica Tuffield who is giving a powerful insight into her journey with Sepsis.


EXTENDED SESSION: Recognising and Responding to the Deteriorating Patient

Professor Derek Bell OBE
Professor of Acute Medicine
Imperial College London 
Immediate Past President
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

• recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient: driving improvement
• standardising language and practice within and between healthcare organisations: NEWS2 implementation
• deterioration and Covid-19 – what have we learned?
• remote monitoring through Home Oxygen Saturations and Virtual Covid Wards
• working with Patient / Carer Partners to improve outcomes for patients

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