A Practical Guide to Developing Your Skills as an Effective Clinical Director

News and updates from today's Practical Guide to Developing Your Skills as an Effective Clinical Director virtual conference

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Through national updates and informative sessions from esteemed speakers this conference provides a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of other Clinical Directors and develop your skills as an effective Clinical Director. Dr Emma Jane Hosking set the scene by introducing the day and gives an indepth overview of the role of and what defines an excellent Clinical Director. 

Amid the global Covid-19 pandemic, adaptation of healthcare systems, with strong medical leadership, has been integral to coping with the ever-changing situation.

The British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2020


Chair's Welcome and Introduction: What makes an excellent Clinical Director?
Dr Emma Jane Hosking
Medical Director, Betsi Cadwaladr University Board



• the Clinical Directors role
• challenges and learning from the pandemic
• responsibilities: strategic, directorate and individual
• leadership qualities required for the role
• accountability of Clinical Directors
• supporting Clinical Directors under pressure through Covid-19
• the Clinical Directors role in driving improvement: learning from our experience
• where next for current Clinical Director

Emma kicked off today’s conference with a talk from the perspective of someone being both a medical director and a clinical director giving an interesting perspective from both angles.

She shared what she believes the clinical director role means, and that not everybody would necessarily agree with it. Clinical work includes: focused individualised care, rapid cycles of learning/feedback, clear place in society/organisation, natural peer group and evidence base.

Its different in contrast to leadership work: there is responsibility for multiple patients, feedback from work and effort can be incredible slow, there can be ambivalence from fellow clinicians, there will be new and different peers and an evidence base that is emerging which to some can be seen as non-specific.

Driving Improvement as a Clinical Director
Mr Jason Smith
Consultant Surgeon, and Divisional Medical Director
Planned Care and Surgery
Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust

• understanding & monitoring quality & patient safety at directorate level
• engaging the team to deliver high quality care and drive improvement
• engaging clinicians to improve quality
• meeting the CQC Quality Ratings

Next we had Mr Jason Smith's session where there was a lot of important information for aspiring and current Clinical Directors. The session started with an introduction to their background. Following on he discussed the importance and how to lead through a crisis, which is particularly relevant especially during the pandemic and Covid-19 with a reflection on what they have learnt including but not limited to the importance of engagement, staff wellbeing, career development and compassionate patient centred care. 

Mr Jason Smith Biography 0.32 MBPDFfile


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