Eating Disorders Summit 2021: Improving Access, Treatment & Recovery Outcomes

Lived Experience and Planting The Seeds of Recovery

Katharine Lazenby
Expert by Experience & People Participation Worker for disordered eating
East London NHS Foundation Trust

• my experience of living with an eating disorder and inpatient treatment
• reflections on factors that support recovery

Katharine Lazenby Biography 0.02 MBDOCXfile

Presentation Slides 10.47 MBPPTXfile

Katherine opened up about how her eating disorder started at university while she was studying and that she had a “perfectionist drive” to spend her time studying rather than eating. 
She described how being locked in a ward felt similar to being locked in a body with an eating disorder
She talked about Iatrogenc trauma that she experienced during her time in hospital. 
She experienced art therapy during her time in hospital “Creativity is making meaning” it became a healing alternative

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