Restraint, segregation and seclusion- Progress Review

The new progress report Out of sight – who cares? looks at the use of restraint, seclusion and segregation in care services for people with a mental health condition, and highlights the main areas of improvement. 

The report finds that the 66 people in segregation who were asked to participate, had been let down by the health and care system. Creating the right package of care to meet the individual needs is often found too difficult.

The report outlines the environment of mental hospitals is often not therapeutic, and finds inappropriate uses of restrictive practices. 

“We still hear about incidents of restraint and the devastating impact of how they affect people... Additionally, we have been hearing worrying reports about the use of restraint in acute hospital settings.”

Care Quality Commission Restraint, segregation and seclusion review progress report, December 2021

Key recommendations:

  • People with a learning disability and or autistic people who may also have a mental health condition should be supported to live in their communities. This means prompt diagnosis, local support services and effective crisis intervention.
  • People who are being cared for in hospital in the meantime must receive high-quality, person-centred, specialised care in small units. This means the right staff who are trained to support their needs supporting them along a journey to leave hospital.
  • There must be renewed attempts to reduce restrictive practice by all health and social care providers, commissioners and others. We have seen too many examples of inappropriate restrictions that could have been avoided. We know in absolute emergencies this may be necessary, but we want to be clear – it should not be seen as a way to care for someone.
  • There must be increased oversight and accountability for people with a learning disability, and or autistic people who may also have a mental health problem. There must be a single point of accountability to oversee progress in this policy area.


To read the full report, visit the CQC website.

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