Updated NICE Guideline for Depression out for Consultation 

NICE has released its updated guideline for Depression in Adults: Treatment and Management for Consultation. The new focus of the draft guidance is on people with depression choosing the right treatment option for them, with their healthcare professional.  

The guidance looks at the evidence on the treatment of new depressive episodes, chronic depression, preventing relapse, patient choice, and the organisation of, and access to, mental health services.  It recommends the “menu of treatment options” be offered to patients by health professionals before medication is considered.

“The committee has created a menu of treatment options to allow patients to pick the one which is right for them, in a shared decision-making discussion between them and their healthcare practitioner.
Patients with less severe depression could choose from the menu as a first-line treatment option from, for example, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), exercise, counselling or psychotherapy.

A similar range of psychological interventions, along with the option of antidepressant medication, is available to those choosing a first-line treatment for more severe depression.” NICE 23.11.2021 

“This is a broad ranging guideline on depression which has been an enormous challenge to produce.  “In particular we’ve emphasised the role of patient choice – suggesting that practitioners should offer people a choice of evidence-based treatments and understanding that not every treatment will suit every person. We now need stakeholders' help to make the recommendations as good as they can possibly be.” 

Nav Kapur, Professor of Psychiatry and Population Health, University of Manchester and Chair of the Guideline Committee

The guideline also contains new recommendations for those stopping antidepressant medication.

Read the updated guidance and have your say www.nice.org.uk

Jeremy Clarke, Expert Member of the NICE Guideline on Depression Working Group will be speaking at the Depression in Adults Supporting People through Covid-19 CPD conference on the guidance and contentious issues. 

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