Chair's Introduction and Welcome: The New GMC Consent Guidance: The seven principles of decision making & consent
Professor Alison Britton
Professor of Healthcare and Medical Law
Glasgow Caledonian University
Task & Finish Group Member, Consent Guidance
General Medical Council
• looking ahead to the revised GMC consent guidance: what has changed?
• implementation in practice
• moving forward
Professor Alison Britton opened our conference with a presentation about the 7 principles of decision making and consent. She talked about the revised GMC consent guidance, implementation in practice and what we can expect moving forwards.
Consent from a patient perspective
Susannah Hill
• ensuring a personalised and individualised approach
• the importance of giving patients adequate time to fully understand, digest and reflect
upon the information about their care and treatment
• what is the right amount of information? What happens when things go wrong?
Sue was able to give a patient perspective discussing her own experience with surgery, consent and discussions with her surgeon. Sue went through risks and used her accounting background to show a risk table. Looking at why the unlikely and critical risks which are not discussed as much.
“It doesn’t matter how low the risks were, when they happen to you”