News and updates for today's CAMHS National Summit 2019

Learning from Lived Experience
Imogen Voysey
, Young Patient Leader

Imogen Voysey is a mental health campaigner and healthcare activist. After her hospitalisation at the age of 16, she began working towards improving mental health services for children and young people. For the last two years, she has worked with YoungMinds on their Amplified programme as the inpatient CAMHS lead. She also works with the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Her inpatient experience allows her to visit units across the country with the Quality Network for Inpatient CAMHS. She also works on the National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression as a patient advisor. At a more strategic level, she serves as a patient partner on NHS Improvement’s Quality Committee; she has also been involved in other projects with the organisation, such as the development of the NHS Assembly.

Transforming mental health services for children & young adults
Dr Harriet Stewart
, Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and Associate Clinical Director, Bedfordshire CAMHS, East London NHS Foundation Trust 

"We need more services to prevent CYP require in patient services - Crisis services and Home Treatment teams must improve and work together It's so important to retain existing staff and not lose their knowledge.  We need to take their health seriously; physical and mental.  We need to keep them healthy, offer physical health checks and provide them with mental health support"

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Transforming CAMHS for Tier 4 - New Care Models
Dr Elizabeth Fellow-Smith
, Consultant Child Psychiatrist\Clinical Lead NMoC

Pre-event abstract
North West London CAMHS New Care Models: New ways of managing Tier 4 beds.
The New Care Models is a joint venture between CNWL, West London NHS Trust and the Priory Group to explore different ways of managing and utilising inpatient mental health beds for young people with the intention of saving money to invest in the local crisis care pathway. The commissioning of inpatient beds now sits with the provider Trusts. There has been success in the first 2-3 years of the project with improved length of stay, decreased avoidable admissions and admissions\discharges being closer to home. The savings have been invested in the local community crisis response. There are further plans to develop the crisis care pathway with additional reinvestment. 
New ways of working include: active bed management by the provider Trusts; ring fenced local beds; improved relationships between Tier 3 staff and Tier 4 units; change in clinical conceptualisation of admission as being part of the crisis care pathway; focus on discharge prior to and in the very early stages of admission; joint approach with the Local Authorities; bespoke and novel packages of care in the community.  
The journey, learning and future plans will be presented. 

Full PowerPoint Presentation

Improving accessibility to CAMHS services: Early Intervention
Dr Alison Wallis
, Clinical Director for Children and Young People’s Services, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Pre-event abstract
The presentation will introduce service specific and community focused ideas both of which aim to support access to CAMHS services. 
The presentation will introduce the ideas behind the Single Point of Advice (SPOA), the  i-rock service, designed to sit alongside CAMHS and to support young people (14-25 ) in accessing support from mental health, housing and education in a non-referral “drop in” environment situated in the high street and community events and campaigns.  

The SPOA is a multi-agency single front door for young people and their parents or carers in East Sussex which will be going live imminently. 
The i-rock service provides an informal environment for young people to talk about the issues concerning them and to receive advice, support and brief interventions. The service was set up for those young people who may not use regular routes to access support and whilst this is reflected in the data, there is also evidence that GP’s are recommending the service and therefore reaching young people who may otherwise have been waiting for more traditional services. 

Building resilience and supporting good mental health across our community has been the aim of several co-ordinated campaigns and community events.  Community focused ideas presented will provide an overview of specific events, campaigns and work with schools that are designed to encourage conversations and understanding of issues that affect young people and what can be done. The events are inclusive of children, their families and carers as well as professionals. 

Full PowerPoint Presentation

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