State of Care 2018/19

The Care Quality Commission has released its annual State of Care report, assessing health care and social care in England.

The report looks at the trends, shares examples of good and outstanding care, and highlights where care needs to improve. 

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This year the report focuses on mental health.

“we are highlighting mental health and learning disability services because that’s where we are seeing a particular impact on both quality and people. Ratings are starting to deteriorate in mental health services. While our inspectors have seen good care, they have also seen too many mental health and learning disability services with people who lack the skills, training, experience or clinical support to care for patients with complex needs.”

CQC State of Care 2018/19

The report addresses the importance of support for the physical health of those with long-term mental health conditions, stating; "People want to be treated as a whole person and not have their conditions treated in isolation. Research has shown that people with severe mental illness are more likely to die 10 to 20 years earlier than the general population.  Risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, obesity and the side effects of medicines highlight the importance of regular physical health checks." 

Related conference:
Improving the Physical Health Outcomes of People with Serious Mental Illness MONDAY 3 FEB 2020 De Vere West One Conference Centre, London

On Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services the report states: "We have concerns about access to mental health services. Young people continue to experience difficulty in accessing community child and adolescent mental health services. This is reflected in the fact that 21% and 10% of community-based mental health services for children and young people are rated as requires improvement or inadequate for the responsive key question. Access is a particular concern for children and young people with an eating disorder."

Related conference: 
Preventing Suicide in Young People & Children MONDAY 20 JAN 2020 De Vere West One Conference Centre, London
Masterclass: Therapeutic Interventions to Reduce the Harmful Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences FRIDAY 20 MAR 2020 De Vere West One Conference Centre, London

On Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and the new Liberty Protection Safeguards the report states: “Lack of understanding and confusion around the DoLS legislation remains one of the primary reasons for poor practice among providers.
Clear and committed leadership and culture around DoLS and the Mental Capacity Act, alongside in-depth and practical training, can help staff to engage better with the legislation. Training and culture will play an important part in providers preparing their staff for the new Liberty Protection Safeguards legislation.”

Related events:
Liberty Protection Safeguards: Implementation of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 THURSDAY 5 DEC 2019 The Studio Conference Centre, Manchester
Liberty Protection Safeguards Implementation of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 MONDAY 3 FEB 2020 De Vere West One Conference Centre, London

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