Improving Mental Health Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees Conference

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We are pleased to announce the Ninth Annual Conference to focus on improving Mental Health Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees.

War brings violence, uncertainty, trauma and terror. The experience of being in a conflict situation, and the huge effort involved in fleeing are likely to result in a range of physical and psychological responses. But there are things we can all do to help create the most welcoming environment in which people can try to heal from their experiences.

Dr Sarah Davidson MBE, Head of Psychosocial & Mental Health, Red Cross, February 2023

Access to high-quality mental health and psychosocial support can make all the difference to the thousands of Ukrainians at risk of mental health issues. Evidence shows that the prevalence of mental disorders increases significantly during conflict, with 1 in 5 (22%) people who have lived in conflict during the past decade meeting the criteria for a mental health disorder.

Maura Reap, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Consultant, World Health Organisation, February 2023

This Conference will focus on the highly relevant and complex area of improving Mental Health Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees.

Attending this conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to improve mental health support for refugees and asylum seekers
  • Reflect on the lived experience of a refugee to this country
  • Understand the national context
  • Understand the vulnerabilities that lead to mental health issues in refugees and asylum seekers
  • Examine how to set up holistic services that meet the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers
  • Reflect on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on refugees and asylum seekers, and how we can improve support during and beyond Covid-19
  • Learn from the experiences of the Red Cross and Doctors of the World in delivering Multitiered and comprehensive MHPSS Systems & Psychological First Aid
  • Hear how you can support the effective integration of refugees into the education system
  • Improve your skills in working with asylum seekers and refugees who have experienced trauma
  • Develop strategies for providing peer and community support
  • Understand the role of specialist interventions such as trauma focused CBT
  • Working with victims of human trafficking
  • Improve practice in building resilience and improving care of unaccompanied young people seeking asylum
  • Self assess and reflect on your own practice
  • Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes

100% of delegates at the last conference on this subject would recommend the event to a colleague

Exhibition & Sponsorship Packages

This conference offers a valuable opportunity for industry suppliers to personally meet with their target audience where they will have time to talk and demonstrate the benefits of their products. High quality specialist audiences make having a presence at our events a highly targeted and cost effective marketing channel.

Why Exhibit?

Having a presence at this event will give you the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate your product, system or service
  • Network and engage with your key audience  
  • Generate new business leads
  • Gain exposure for your brand and raise the profile of your organisation
  • Understand the current needs of your audience and challenges they’re facing
  • Update your knowledge of national policy and local developments  


Contact Carolyn Goodbody for exhibition and sponsorship prices, or to discuss a tailored package to suit your needs and budget.

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