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The NHS Long Term plan has announced an expansion of NHS Services for gambling addiction. This investment to expand NHS specialist clinics will help to support more people with serious gambling problems. This hybrid conference focuses on developing effective support for people with gambling related addiction, and developing competence in working with people with gambling addiction within mental health and substance misuse services.
Everyone must be aware of the risks related to gambling at this challenging time. Many people will be feeling more anxious and stressed at the moment, and some will find themselves facing financial uncertainty or difficulties. Those experiencing financial stress may use gambling as a way to cope or fill time. Many people could find themselves less occupied during isolation, possibly leading to an increase in gambling activity. Isolation may also mean that people experience less social support. There are likely to be fewer opportunities for friends, family or professionals to identify and signpost those experiencing gambling harms to sources of help and advice
Nearly half (46%) of all people with gambling disorder have not accessed treatment or support according to in-depth research into the demand for treatment of gambling harms
We’re committed to tackling gambling addiction as a mental health issue
Hundreds of thousands of people in England have a serious problem with gambling, with an additional two million at risk of developing a disorder
This conference will enable you to:
• Network with colleagues who are working to improve support and treatment for people with gambling related addition
• Reflect on a lived experience perspective
• Explore the national context including the NHS commitment to expand services for people with gambling related addiction
• Understand the needs of people with gambling related addictions
• Develop an effective treatment pathway for gambling addiction
• Improve working to support children and young people with gambling addiction
• Explore the underlying causes and co-morbid conditions
• Improve the way you manage online addiction and the technology that can help
• Develop your skills and competence in supporting people with gambling addiction in an integrated way within existing drug and alcohol treatment services
• Understand how you can support families, friends and carers of people with gambling addiction
• Identify key strategies for reducing suicide associated with gambling addiction
• Self assess and reflect on your own practice
• Gain cpd accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence