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We are pleased to announce the Second Annual Clinical Audit in Mental Health Conference. Following our Annual Clinical Audit Summit this conference has been developed specifically to focus on delivering improvement through clinical audit in a mental health setting. Through national mental health clinical audit developments, and practical case studies the conference will provide clinicians and managers leading local clinical audit programmes with practical guidance for improving clinical audit practice that delivers change in mental health.
The virtual conference will be chaired by Linda Chadburn, Clinical Effectiveness and Quality Improvement Lead, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, and Co-opted Member, N-QI-CAN who is also Clinical Audit Professional of the Year (HQIP) and Advisor to the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
“Clinical audit is one of the simplest and yet most effective clinical processes. As well as ensuring compliance with minimum standards, clinical audit is about using information to drive improvements to clinical care and patient outcomes; is a key way for professionals to appraise and improve their own clinical practice; is a team-building activity; and aids attainment of excellence in clinical care.”
The Royal College of Psychiatrists Centre for Quality Improvement (CCQI)
“Clinical audit forms the backbone of clinical governance systems in most health service providers today. The main tasks of clinical audit procedures are to establish whether services are being reliably delivered to the required quality standard and, if not, to help improve them. Successful clinical audits collect the relevant data, analyse and understand it, and use it to inform improvement.”
NHS Improvement
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improve clinical audit practice in mental health
- Reflect on the experience of involvement in audit as a person with lived experience
- Learn from outstanding practice in delivering quality improvement and change as a result of clinical audit findings
- Reflect on national mental health clinical audit developments
- Develop your skills in the use of quality improvement methodology to deliver change as a result of audit findings
- Learn from case studies focusing on delivering improvement and effective clinical audit in:
- physical monitoring in patients prescribed antipsychotic medication
- the 2019 National Clinical Audit for Anxiety and Depression
- National Clinical Audit of Psychosis and the National Audit of Psychological Treatments - Ensure delivery of local improvement and learning from National Audit
- Understand how to involve and engage people with lived experience in Clinical Audit
- Integrate Clinical Audit, Improvement, NICE Guidance and CQC ratings in a mental health setting
- Identify key strategies for ensuring change occurs as a result of clinical audit
- Self assess, reflect and expand your skills in clinical audit practice