On-Demand virtual training
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We are pleased to announce the national Job Planning On-Demand Conference. The conference aims to bring together those leading and improving the effectiveness of Job planning to understand current issues and the national context, and to debate and discuss key issues and areas they are facing in practice. The conference focuses on delivering successful job planning and maximizing the benefits for patients, for doctors and for the service, and ensuring compliance with best practice guidance. The conference will address implementation of e-job plans in line with the NHS Long Term plan.
“Job planning is an important way to link best use of resources with quality outcomes for patients and is a useful element in service redesign. By documenting professional activity in job plans, you can better understand your workforce capacity and match it to patients’ needs.”
“In line with the NHS Long Term Plan commitment, we expect all the clinical workforce to have an e-job plan, except staff who work exclusively in one clinical area (eg purely ward-based staff) and doctors in training (since e-rostering, generic work schedules and training curricula are considered sufficient for these workforce groups).”
Through a series of presentations and extended interactive sessions, this one day conference will provide delegates with the opportunity improve their skills in leading the job plan reviews, ensuring the job plan improves personal development goals, individual and service objectives. Extended sessions will focus on negotiating job plans, managing difficult issues, calculating and agreeing PA’s, developing annualisation and developing team job planning. Managing difficult issues, mediation and legal contractual issues will also be covered .
This on-demand conference will enable you to:
- Learn from outstanding practice in the development of effective job planning practice
- Update your knowledge to comply with best practice guidance
- Meeting the national objective to ensure all members of the clinical workforce have an e-job plan
- Reflect on how you can assess the effectiveness of your system
- Learn from case studies of e-job planning improving productivity and patient care
- Develop your skills in leading Job Planning Reviews
- Understand how to work with staff to ensure job planning works to improve patient care, achieve service business plans and the trust’s organisational objectives
- Understand how to renegotiate job plans including legal issues around identifying contractual terms and exploiting existing flexibilities
- Developing systems that improve the management of difficult issues in job planning including managing appeals
- Reflect on the development of non-medical job planning
- Self assess and understand the barriers and challenges