Stop the Pressure : Pressure Ulcer Prevention & Management & Reducing & Managing Pressure Ulcers at the End of Life

News and updates from today's conference focusing on the prevention and management of pressure ulcers including monitoring, reporting and improvement and also the prevention and management of pressure ulcers at the end of life.

The New National Pressure Ulcer Surveillance System

Professor Jackie Stephen-Haynes
Professor in Wound Healing
Birmingham City University



• NWCSP update
• implementation of the new national Pressure Ulcer Surveillance system using The
Model Hospital System
• national metrics
• Implementing the new national Pressure Ulcer Surveillance system in practice
• implications of the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
• preparing for the new surveillance system
• the role of the Model Ambassador
• driving improvement and learning from the pilot sites

Jackie said "Do you look at incidents in your organisation as a real opportunity for change?"



Pressure Ulcers and the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF): Lessons from an early adopter

Megan Pontin
Patient Safety Incident Investigator
West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust





• embedding PSIRF as an early adopter
• improving the response and investigation of incidents
• implications for patient safety investigations into pressure ulcers

On PSIRF Megan said "It's about reflection & learning rather than accountability"


Supporting Learning with frontline staff in pressure ulcer prevention

Ria Betteridge
Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust




• supporting effective governance structures
• sharing data to improve outcomes
• empowering frontline teams to take ownership for improving care processes
• delivering learning communities of practice
• pressure ulcers and frailty
• improving pressure ulcer leadership and governance

Ria said "Until we get down to zero pressure ulcers, we've still got work to do"


Supporting Organisations

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