Delirium: New Recommendations on Assessing and Diagnosing

In January 2023, NICE reviewed their evidence and made new recommendations on assessing and diagnosing delirium. 

The guidence included recommendations on:

  • Think delirium and risk factor assessment
  • Indicators of delirium: at presentation and daily observations
  • Preventing delirium
  • Assessment and diagnosis
  • Treating delirium
  • Information and support

''Older people and people with dementia, severe illness or a hip fracture are more at risk of delirium. The prevalence of delirium in people on medical wards in hospital is about 20% to 30%, and 10% to 50% of people having surgery develop delirium. In long-term care the prevalence is under 20%. But reporting of delirium is poor in the UK, indicating that awareness and reporting procedures need to be improved.''

NICE, 2023

The guidelines are intended for the diagnosis and treatment of delirium in people over the age of 18 in hospitals and long-term care or nursing homes. This includes identifying and preventing people at risk of developing delirium in these settings. The aim is to improve the diagnosis of delirium and reduce hospitalisations and complications.

Find out more on the updated recommendations here

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