Chair's Introduction & Welcome / Improving Hip Fracture Care and Outcomes
Prof Cameron Swift
Emeritus Professor, Consultant Physician, Kings School of Medicine Chair NICE Guideline Development Group for Hip Fracture (CG124) Lead/specialist Participation Quality Standard Development Member NHFD Advisory Committee
• learning from the national database and implementing improvement at a local level
• key recommendations from the National Hip Fracture Database
• monitoring adherence to the NICE Quality Standard: what’s working well and what’s not?
• identifying variation in length of stay for Hip Fractures
• monitoring the impact in your service
• ensuring that the clinical leadership is in place to deliver and audit high-quality care
- Prof Cameron Swift biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile
- Prof Cameron Swift Abstract 0.01 MBDOCXfile
- Prof Cameron Swift Slides 1.57 MBPPTXfile
Hip Fracture Care: Patient Management in the early phases of care following hip fracture
Mr Bob Handley
Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
John Radcliffe Hospital Oxfor
• how do we ensure safety for the frail elderly in our hospitals
• managing patients with hip fracture and Covid-19
• minimising delays to theatre due to medical complications
• patient management in the early phases: how can we improve care
Improving early mobilisation and acute rehabilitation
Rene Gray Senior Physiotherapist
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
• Orthopaedic Out of Bed Project (OOBP) – Quality improvement project utilising the
whole MDT to increase early mobilisation following hip fracture surgery
• using an integrated therapy approach and MDT decision point to improve rehabilitation in the acute setting