Caldicott Principles & Information Sharing in End of Life Care

Healthcare Conferences UK in association with Christopher Fincken Independent Member UK Caldicott Guardian Council, (Former Chairman) are pleased to present this virtual conference which focuses on Information Sharing and Caldicott Principles in End of Life care. The conference focuses on developing your role in improving communication and information sharing at the end of life whilst ensuring patient confidentiality. 

Follow the conference on twitter #CaldicottEndofLife


Improving information sharing at the end of life

Kay Smith
Author and Patient By Experience


• end of life care: a personal journey
• removing the barriers to information sharing at the end of life
• working together across organisations
• implications of Covid-19
• working with, sharing information with and people who are dying and their families and carers


A year in the life of a new-ish Caldicott Guardian

Dr Gaby Tamura-Rose
Consultant in Palliative Medicine
St Raphael’s Hospice


• improving our access to, and sharing of, our patients’ information
• difficult and challenging issues
• consent, data sharing agreements and information to improve care


EXTENDED SESSION: Information Sharing, the Duty of Candour and Legal Issues at the end of life

Helen Burnell
Principal Associate
Weightmans LLP

• key principles
• how to approach disclosure as a team
• capacity 
• tools for decision making 
• CHC pathways 



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