Non-Medical Prescribing & the Acutely Ill Patient


Conference Chair: 

Catherine Plowright Chair Registered Nurse Professional Advisor British Association of Critical Care Nurses

• prescribing & the acutely ill patient: current issues
• the updated BACCN Prescribing Position Statement

EXTENDED SESSION: Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing & the Acutely Ill Patient

Karin Gerber Critical Care Outreach Advanced Nurse Practitioner Royal Berkshire Hospital

• nurse/non medical prescribing and the acutely ill patient
• the role of nurse/non medical prescribers are ideally placed to ensure that acutely ill patients receive treatment without delay
• the challenges for prescribers in critical care due the complexity of critically ill patients who may have several underlying diseases and range of conditions likely to be encountered
• the role of nurse/non medical prescribing within escalation from early warning systems and NEWS
• ensuring competence in assessment, treatment decisions and appropriate prescribing
• ensuring safety in prescribing

EXTENDED SESSION: Sepsis Leadership & Treatment in Acute Care. The role of Nurse/Non-Medical Prescribing in effective management of Sepsis

John Welch
Nurse Consultant for Critical Care and Critical Care Outreach (PERRT) and Trust Sepsis Lead University College London Hospitals NHS Trust

• how can we ensure timely treatment? The role of Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing
• implementing protocols for nurse led first dose antibiotics
• how can we improve practice for people at low risk of Sepsis to ensure they recognise the symptoms: improving awareness and information
• effective management of Sepsis
• the practicalities and benefits of nurse-driven sepsis treatment tools

This conference will take place again on Wednesday 22nd November 2023

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