NHS Complaints Summit

This National Virtual Summit focuses on the National NHS Complaint Standards published by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

A Lived experience of the complaints process from a patient perspective

Dorit Braun
Retired Charity Chief Exec with Personal Experience
Member Making Families Count


• learning from the lived experience
• how can we put patients at the heart of the process?
• ensuring access to advocacy
• supporting reconciliation between the patient and hospital staff


EXTENDED SESSION: The NHS Wide Complaint Standard

Jo Power
Liaison Officer
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Cameron Kennedy
Liaison Manager
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

• PHSO update
• supporting and improving front line complaint handling
• the new NHS Complaint Standards, model procedure and guidance
• what the Standards mean for your organisation
• implementing the standards in your service


Case Study - Learning from a Complaint Standards pilot site

Paula Brennan
Patient Experience Team
County Durham and Darlington NHS


• our experience of implementing the standards, model procedure and guidance
• what have we learned and how have things improved in our organisation
• next steps

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