According to CQC, their new approach will give them the ability to judge the quality more regularly and be clear about how they reached their judgement.
Later in 2023 we will implement our new regulatory approach. Our new approach will give us the ability to make judgements about quality more regularly, instead of only after an inspection as we do today. We’ll use evidence from a variety of sources and look at any number of quality statements to do this. We’ll continue to describe the quality of care using our 4 ratings: outstanding, good, requires improvement, or inadequate. In forming a view of quality, we use a scoring framework to enable us to make consistent judgements. Our scores will translate into one of the ratings for the key questions (safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led). Scores will also be the basis for our view of quality at an overall service level.
They will impleement their new regulatory approach later in 2023