This policy provides the minimum standard for local freedom to speak up policies across the NHS, so those who work in the NHS know how to speak up and what will happen when they do. It is designed to be inclusive and support resolution by managers wherever possible.
The NHS England Freedom to Speak Up Policy published in 2022 reports that:
"All NHS organisations and others providing NHS healthcare services in primary and secondary care in England are required to adopt this national policy as a minimum standard to help normalise speaking up for the benefit of patients and workers. Its aim is to ensure all matters raised are captured and considered appropriately"
"By speaking up at work you will be playing a vital role in helping us to keep improving our services for all patients and the working environment for our staff."
Read the report in full here
Learn more at our Achieving a Culture of Candour: Freedom to Speak Up virtual conferene taking place on Friday 24th March 2023.
The conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to support people to speak up and raise concerns
- Reflect on national developments and learning
- Achieve a Culture of Candour & Freedom to Speak Up
- Establish effective leadership and management behaviours
- Understand the legal context
- Develop your skills in ensuring all staff within the trust feel able to raise any issues or concerns, or challenge any wrongdoing
- Learn from outstanding practice in developing the role of the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
- Understand how you can improve culture and psychological safety
- Reflect on Freedom to Speak Up during Covid-19
- Identify key strategies for ensuring diversity
- Ensure an effective response to to Raised Concerns, and ensure change occurs
- Deliver transformational change of the culture of fear and blame
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice