Culturally appropriate care

The CQC reported on Culturally Appropriate Care:

Culturally appropriate care (also called 'culturally competent care') is sensitive to people's cultural identity or heritage. It means being alert and responsive to beliefs or conventions that might be determined by cultural heritage.

Cultural identity or heritage can cover a range of things. For example, it might be based on ethnicity, nationality or religion. Or it might be to do with the person's sexuality or gender identity. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have a particular culture. So do Deaf people who use British Sign Language.

Read more here

Related Event: Providing Culturally Appropriate Care in Care Homes 

Half Day Virtual Masterclass 


  • Understand the legislation and guidance
  • Define cultural competence
  • Explore cultural values and the differences between groups
  • Embed culturally appropriate care into your service provision
  • Explore the responsibilities of Managers, Team Leaders and Care Staff
  • Explore culturally appropriate care in practice

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