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Chair's Welcome and Introduction: Caldicott and Information Sharing with The Police - An overview
Christopher Fincken Former Chair UK Caldicott Guardian Council & Contributor, Putting information sharing at the heart of collaborative working. Information sharing between the police and health services for prevention, early intervention and care purposes
• why do police need to see health records? an outline of the Legal and Ethical Criteria
• Police requests for Third Party Material – an update on the consultation
• experiences of Caldicott Guardians in working with the police
• the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill & The Caldicott Guardian
• the guidance on Police information requests to NHS Organisations, GPs and other
healthcare providers in respect of potential homicide investigation, proof of life enquiries and more general enquiries to trace missing persons
Caldicott and Information Sharing: The Police Perspective
Wendy McAllister
Former Controlled Drugs Liaison Officer
• why do police need to see health records?
• experiences of a senior police officer
• understanding the practicalities and implications of information sharing with the police: case studies