Falls Prevention Summit 2023: Reducing Inpatient Falls & Harm from Inpatient Falls

News and updates from today's conference #NHSfalls

Conference sponsors & exhibitors:









Today's confernece chair:

Carrie Tyler
Falls Clinical Nurse Specialist
Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Carrie also delivers a session on Learning from falls that lead to severe harm or hip fracture under a PSIRF approach, covering:

• falls risk and root causes and how this has changed since Covid-19 and PSIRF
• an example of gaining insight from inpatient falls as soon as the patient is safe and
stabilised: hot debriefs and after action reviews and documentation
• complex clinical situations and judgement: examples in practice 

EXTENDED SESSION: Gaining insight from inpatient falls and linking with PSIRF

Lucy Winstanley Head of Patient Safety & Quality with Helen Dockerill 
Falls Lead West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

• gaining Insight from Inpatient Falls
• reporting and investigation of inpatient falls – changes with the introduction of PSIRF
• participation in the national audit of inpatient falls at a local level
• falls investigation and learning from falls that lead to severe harm including the hot
debrief and after-action reviews
• implementation of safety improvement practice: our experience as a PSIRF pilot site

EXTENDED SESSION: Falls, medication and deprescribing in older adults with recurrent falls

Aleksandra Howell Senior Clinical Pharmacist
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
and the Clinical Lead, the West of England AHSN

• falls and medication management
• why patients end up with extensive polypharmacy
• how to initiate deprescribing process
• falls and anticoagulation
• how to do deprescribing safely

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