Saving Babies Lives: Reducing Stillbirth

David Monteith
Father & Founder
Grace in Action

• a personal story of stillbirth
• what organisations and individuals can do to support women and their families
• additional considerations when contemplating another pregnancy
• delivering information to parents in a non-biased and non-fearful way

David and his wife had a very straightfoward, textbook pregnancy. Their second pregnancy appeared to go the same way.

The night before David's wife went into labour, they had a wonderful time excitedly discussing the birth of their future baby and all the plans they have for her. When a midwife was called to attend, a heartbeat could not be found. The midwife suggested that babies can sometimes hide, so they went to the hospital. When the doctors scanned for a heartbeat, the first sentence they heard was "I'm sorry." Grief and bereavement immediately took over and David emphasises that despite their child being unborn she was absolutely a "dead baby" in their eyes.

David's wife turned to him and said that their baby will be born with the grace and dignity she deserves and that's why her name is "Grace".

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