Improving Access, Treatment and Support for People with a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder

This conference focuses on Improving Access, Treatment and Support for People living with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder.

A Lived Experience Perspective

Thomas Dunning
Director & Motivational Speaker
Mental Health Runner

• how can we improve the lives of people with Personality Disorder?
• the journey to diagnosis
• how can we reduce the stigma attached to a personality disorder diagnosis?
• improving access and services for diverse communities
• engaging with people to encourage continued contact with services
• understanding the lived experience

EXTENDED SESSION: Improving Services for People Diagnosable with Personality Disorder

Dr Jorge Zimbron 
Consultant in General Adult and Rehabilitation, Psychiatry
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust

• improving services for people with personality disorder
• the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
• principles of compassion, curiosity and empathy
• issues around medication: is there a consensus?
• what does best practice look like?
• how do you care for those refusing care?
• reducing inappropriate out of area placements
• balancing the risks and benefits of compulsory treatment

Dr Jorge Zimbron gives an extended session on improving services for people diagnosable with personality disorder. In the presentation Dr Zimbron discusses the principles of compassion, curiosity and empathy, as well as discussing what best practice looks like. 
Dr Zimbron brings into discussion the specialist PD units specifications and argues the importance of monitoring outcomes and investing in NHS. 
There is a discussion around the culture and the need to change the culture, acknowledge fear, and the need to stop restrcitive interventions in personality disorder, Dr Zimbron arguing there is no benefit found for restrictive practices. 


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