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Confernece chair: Mr Steve Parker Medical Director Isle of Wight NHS Trust
Medical Leadership at Board Level
Dr Nigel Sturrock
Regional Medical Director
NHS England and NHS Improvement – Midlands
• the crucial role of medical leadership
• the important capabilities and competencies for Medical Directors to effectively put quality first in the boardroom
• areas in which the Medical Director can play a key role as a board member
• encouraging more Doctors into leadership positions
- Dr Nigel Sturrock Biography 0.02 MBDOCXfile
- Dr Nigel Sturrock Abstract 0.02 MBDOCXfile
- Dr Nigel Sturrock Slides 1.59 MBPPTXfile
SUPPLIER SHOWCASE: DOC2UK - Connecting overseas doctors and NHS Hospitals
Dr Naveen KeerthiFounder
• high-quality candidates (Post MRCEM, MRCS, MRCP, FRCR) who are vetted and validated
• a streamlined recruitment at almost third the cost compared to locum placements and half the cost compared to other recruiters
• support to the doctors by a team of NHS doctors who made the same journey and understand the apprehensions of a new doctor in the UK
Managing doctors in difficulty
Dr Hamish McLure
Medical Director (Professional Standards and Workforce Development)
& Consultant Anaesthetist
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Responsible Officer
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St Gemma’s Hospice & Martin House Hospice
• doctors in difficulty and difficult doctors: what’s the difference?
• how to diagnose the nature of the issue
• ensuring open and honest communication
• behavior and conduct: setting the ground rules
• confronting inappropriate or disruptive behavior
• developing an approach based on values based leadership
• team or individual? Working with dysfunctional teams
• making and evidencing revalidation decisions
This session includes small breakout groups