Developing the Role of the Nursing Associate

News and updates from today’s Nursing Associate conference. This conference updates delegates on developing the role of the Nursing Associate – understanding the elements of the role, and how the role is being delivered in practice.

EXTENDED SESSION: National Update, Implementing the role in practice and looking to the future

The Nursing Associate Role: Regulation and Standards

Ali Richards
Senior Lecturer
University of Cumbria




Fiona Ryder
University of Cumbria


• regulation of the Nursing Associate Role
• developing the nursing associate standards
• delegation and accountability implications

Fiona started by setting the scene for the Nursing Associate, looking at the review that led to the role.

She advised that their role is to “support the delivery of nurse care”. It is a generic role in training and then they can go to work in specialist areas and “can be used across the workforce”

The nursing associate is required to re validate every 3 years

“Fiona expressed that “the speed of which the role is increasing is impressive, and very exciting”


Lyndsay Murden
Health Education England & Formerly Lead Nurse
Education Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

• partnership working with employers
• development across health and social care sector, enhancing diversity of experience within all 4 fields of nursing and in secondary/primary care and private/independent organisations
• support through Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing - pastoral and working with partners to ensure signoff of practice proficiencies

Lyndsay looked at the numbers of the nursing associate and the “most common is in adult services” with “community fast growing along with mental”

Lyndsay talked about safe staffing within ward teams, “it is now time break that down even further” to include nursing associate

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