News and updates from today's Designated Prescribing Practitioner conference. This conference provides delegates with an update on implementing the new RPS Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners.
Training and Supporting Non Medical Prescribers Developing the role of the Designated Prescribing Practitioner & Extending the role to Non Medical Prescribers
Professor Angela Alexander MBE
Professor Emerita, School of Pharmacy, University of Reading & Chair, Working Party, The Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP), Royal Pharmaceutical Society
• supporting governance and accountability
• enabling non-medical prescribers (NMPs) to take on this designated practitioner role
• the new Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners
• how to evidence competence in the DPP role
• moving forward
Angela opened her talk by discussing The Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners. She explained that for the role of DPP there was a need to have something in the background.
Angela went on to explain the aims of a Designated Prescribing Practitioner – Which is To oversee, support and assess the competence of Non Medical Prescribers in collaboration with academic work place partners.
Describing The personal characteristics needed to be a good DPP, Angela said that value & responsibility, clinical leadership, integrity, and a positive learning culture were all important.
On delivering the role Angela said you need to work in partnership with the trainee and other practitioners, remember that prioritising patient care, ensuring that safe and effective care remains central. She also said you should know when and where to seek help if needed.
EXTENDED SESSION: Optimising the period of learning in practice
Dr Qun Wang
Trust Lead for Non-Medical Prescribing/Nurse Consultant Geriatrics
Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
• assessment to ensure trainees have met the necessary learning outcomes and acquired competencies
• optimising the PLP for NMPs in training, working with academic partners, to ensure the quality and safety of future non-medical prescribers