A Lived Experience
Jessica Tuffield
Patient Representative, Volunteer and Sepsis Survivor
The UK Sepsis Trust
Today’s conference was opened by Jes Tuffield who told her journey through deterioration and Sepsis. She summed her story by confirming that “we need to be more aware”.
Follow Jes on Twitter @Jestuffield and follow #aroundtheworldin13days
Recognising and Responding to the deteriorating patient
Professor Matt Inada-Kim
Consultant Acute Physician, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical & Experimental Sciences, University of Southampton
National Clinical Director - Infection, Antimicrobial Resistance & Deterioration
National Clinical Lead COVID Oximetry@home/virtual wards
National Specialty Advisor Sepsis
NHS England
Clinical Director - Digital Innovation
Wessex AHSN
● recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient: driving improvement
● standardising language & practice within & between healthcare organisations: NEWS2
● deterioration and Covid-19 – what have we learned?
● NEWS2 and Covid-19
● remote monitoring through Home Oxygen Saturations and Virtual Covid Wards
● working with Patient / Carer Partners to improve outcomes for patients
Professor Matt Inada-Kim Biography 0.42 MBDOCXfile
Matt started his talk by looking at a study that highlighted how “admissions are getting sicker”
Having an inflection is one of the highest reasons you go to your GP and are admitted to hospital
Matt highlighted the new National Sepsis guidance that was released Easter 2022
- Spot the sick patient
- Evoke a balance response
- Likelihood of injection
Looking at another study he highlights that out of 166 people who died with sepsis, 126 of these died from comorbidities (eg cancer), out of the 40 that died from sepsis, 31 of these were moderately frail or more.
“Patients don’t suddenly deteriorate … we suddenly notice”