Controlled Drugs: Ensuring the Safer Management, Diversion & Abuse, Prescribing and Use

News and Presentations from todays conference, focusing on ensuring the Safer Management of Controlled Drugs: Diversion & Abuse, Prescribing and Use.

Overseeing the safer management of controlled drugs during Covid-19

Grant Powell Operational Team Leader
Enforcement Group Medicines & Healthcare Products
Regulatory Agency

• assessing and overseeing how health and social care providers manage controlled drugs
• prescribing of and access to controlled drugs during Covid-19: new legislation relating to controlled drugs during the Covid-19 pandemic
• reuse of medicines in a care home or hospice
• Syringe Driver Controlled Drug (CD) related incidents
• maintaining a safe environment for managing controlled drugs: current trends

Grant's presentation focused on the diversion of Controlled Drugs, he said all Controlled Drugs have the potential for misuse or dependence, and genuine products being diverted from the supply chain is a huge problem.  Grant covered how this is happening and things to look out for. He said; "There will be someone trying to obtain the products you use daily to divert's important to please beware." 

EXTENDED SESSION: Developing the role of the Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer: Current Issues

Tim Donaldson Chief Pharmacist/Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer
Northumberland Tyne and Wear
NHS Foundation Trust

• skills and qualities needed by a Controlled Drug Accountable Officer
• ensuring adequate time for the role
• how to get assurance on controlled drugs governance, e.g. policies, procedures and audit
• reporting, investigating and closing incidents
• monitoring adherence to the NICE Guideline on the Safer Management of Controlled Drugs
• keeping your organisation informed and ensuring support
• the role in practice: challenges and reflections

Tim discussed the role of the CDAO and incident reporting and investigation to mitigate risks of inadvertent harm.  He looked at what to include within incident reports, gave advice for closing reports and how to monitor adherence to NICE guidance on the Safer Management of Controlled Drugs.  Concluding his presentation he gave 3 tips for CDAOs: To be clear of what is required in your your role as the CDAO and the different expectations; being protector, detective and secret agent. Tim said you will need to be all of these and learn how to balance each role. He also said to assume nothing, and to find a yoda - someone to support you, who can reliably offer a sense check when you need to run through things.  

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