Conference Chair:
Dr Deborah Robertson
Lecturer In Adult Nursing, School of Health and Society
Salford University
Improving Non-Medical Prescribing Practice and competence- Using the national prescribing competency framework for pain prescribing
Sally Jarmain
Non-Medical Prescribing Lead
and Rhea Crighton
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust
• key messages from the competency framework and what has changed
• using the framework throughout the prescribing journey
• using the framework as part of the revalidation process
• relating the framework to prescribing governance
• demonstrating the framework within a patient case study
• the new competency framework for designated prescribing practitioners
• governance and accountability for non-medical prescribing for pain
EXTENDED SESSION: Pain management Prescribing: Case Studies
Inge Bateman
Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist In-patient Pain Service
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
• comprehensive pain assessment
• treatment decisions and appropriate prescribing