The UK & Ireland IV Leadership Summit

The 3M Healthcare IV Leadership summit, Chaired by Mark EastonHome Editor at the BBC, gives clinicians with an interest in vascular access and infection prevention an opportunity to share in first class educational and leadership content.

This interactive meeting focuses on the national developments in vascular access, infection prevention updates, complication management and legal updates with renewed faculty from across the UK.

Sustained CRBSI reduction through IV catheter bundle enhancement: A Perspective from Switzerland

Dr Philippe Eggimann
Medical Senior Lecturer
Lausanne University Switzerland

• nurturing a patient safety culture
• CVC bundle of care
• adoption of new technologies
• health economics aspects


IV Therapy: 2022 Update

Andrew Barton
Nurse Consultant IV Therapy and Vascular Access
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

• new developments in IV Therapy
• primary complications and risks
• current and future developments 

Andrew gave a national update working with NIVAS and the Infection Protection Society.  He covered Device Related Infection Prevention - which is a resource to help reduce catheter related infections using the Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT).  He also talked about the vessel health and preservation tool currently being updated to ensure the right device at the right time for the duration of treatment, and device insertion considerations using mini midlines which can stay in for 29 days which is useful for difficult IV access. Andrew said using ultrasound if possible is the gold standard and definitely teh way forward, and sterile ultrasound gel in single use containers should be used for invasive procedures, where the ultrasound examination is near to an indwelling invasive device, and in an intensive care setting including neonatal ICU.  Andrew shared our skin injuries are under recognised and national MARSI guidelines are being developed through a caer bundle approach and education.  NIVAS are also launching a white paper to support the standardisation of Vascular Access teams, this will be national strategy available on the NIVAS website from next Tuesday 28th June 2022 -

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