This conference looks at national developments in non medical prescribing in mental health, improving and maintaining prescribing competence and the use of the national prescribing competency framework in mental health. Extended sessions focus on developing your skills as an effective non medical prescriber and case studies will demonstrate established practice in non medical prescribing on acute inpatient wards, for dual diagnosis, early intervention in psychosis, forensic mental health, learning disabilities and physical health monitoring.
The Lived Experience Perspective
Thomas Dunning
Director & Motivational Speaker
Mental Health Runner
• how can we improve prescribing support people to manage their medications
• reducing side effects
• the impact of Covid-19
• my experience and advice for NMPs in Mental Health
Non-Medical Prescribing in Mental Health: Current Developments
Dr Andrea Hilton
Reader/Non-Medical Prescribing Programme Director, Research Lead - Paramedical, Perioperative and Advanced Practice
University of Hull
• developing confidence and competence in your ability to prescribe
• prescribing developments
• the benefits of non-medical prescribing in general
EXTENDED SESSION: Demonstrating Competence in Prescribing Practice
Kirsty Fishburn
Module Leader for Nurse Non-Medical Prescribing & Mental Health Programme Director
University of Hull
• demonstrating competence in non-medical prescribing through the Competency Framework for All Prescribers
• supporting non-medical prescribers: infrastructure needed to support the safe and effective development and implementation of non-medical prescribing
• changes to the Designated Prescribing Practitioner role and an update on the December 2019 RPS Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners
• keeping your prescribing knowledge up-to-date: accessing education, training
and resources
• understanding your limits of practice and competence