Faculty of Clinical Informatics Annual Scientific Conference

Follow the news and updates from this year's Faculty of Clinical Informatics Annual Scientific Conference. 

The conference includes national and international keynote speakers and covers a range of digital health topics including: Patient Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Training. Follow updates on Twitter #UKFCI2022 @UKFCI 

The role and importance of Digital Information for Nursing in the NHS

Dr Natasha Phillips
National Chief Nursing Information Officer
NHS England

Natasha opened the conference with a national update on the Nursing Documentation Standard which is due for consultation July-August and publication in September 2022.  She said; "information is so important to the care we deliver, our ambition is to empower frontline staff with the knowledge and skills to work in a digital care system."  Given 25% of nursing time is spent gathering and seeking information and another 25% on meds admin, there is plenty of opportunity for digitalisation to release more time to care. It's also important to generate repurposed data to target care and support decision making for quality improvement. Natasha considered if the art of caring can be codified, saying it's more possible than we think, let's digitalise what we can. Natasha went on to explain the scope of the project and how challenges around documentation of nursing care have been identified and addressed.  Natasha also gave an update on a new nursing minimum data set; a standardised minimum set of information required for each patient receiving nursing care. 

Guest Lecture: Artificial Intelligence 

Dr Julian Brown
GP & Eclipse Clinical Lead
National Medicines Optimisation Service (NMOS)

• Using AI to digitally manage diabetes – how it works
• How this is being applied to other patient pathways

Clinical AI: successes and failure

Jeremy Wyatt
FCI AI Special Interest Group (SIG)

• Clinical AI covers many technologies adopted by the NHS such as nurse rostering, transcription, robotics, image analysis and decision support
• Key reasons for technology failure include misunderstanding user problems and not evaluating throughout project lifecycles
• Close collaboration between clinicians and technologists can be challenging but is the secret to successful projects


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