News and updates from today's Ward Accreditation for Quality conference

Follow today's Ward Accreditation for Quality conference which focuses on developing systems and processes for ward accreditation for quality. Ward accreditation can be used as a tool to encouraging ownership of continuous quality improvement at ward level, reduce variation and increase staff pride and team working within their ward areas. Through practical case studies of NHS Trusts that have successfully introduced ward accreditation systems the conference will provide practical guide to implementing systems, and improving staff engagement in driving improvement on the ward.

Chair’s Introduction & Welcome

Mr Perbinder Grewal
General & Vascular Surgeon, Human Factors & Patient Safety Trainer, and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner

Ward Accreditation: Strengthening quality assurance by implementing an evidence-based revision of a ward accreditation programme

Kim O’Keeffe
Director of Nursing, Midwifery and AHP’s
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust






with Louise Dickinson
Deputy Director of Nursing Midwifery and AHPs
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust






  • why we revised our ward accreditation system
  • the new ward accreditation programme, referring to the evidence base to re-evaluate the metrics used for assessment
  • the integration of five new elements, including direct registered nurse care time and ward climate
  • sustaining improvement and ensuring confidence in the programme

Kim and Louise speak about their Trust going to ‘Special Measures’ they talk about the challenges, the need for assurances and what did that mean? They spoke about why they lacked at Ward Accreditations? They needed to improve no one felt comfortable. They obtained a Buddy Hospital to share their expertise and share experiences. They introduced a Ward Accreditation which was named ‘Aspire’ by the staff through a vote, they needed to have the buy-in from the staff. In 12 months they had 19 silver wards and 5 gold wards. They are now on version 4 of the Aspire Ward Accreditation and they adapt and revise the programme to different departments. They re-evaluate the programme every 12 months. Their next step is to go digital with the accreditation programme and they are currently in talks with a platform for this. 

Kim O’Keeffe Biography 0.11 MBDOCXfile

Louise Dickinson Biography 0.03 MBDOCXfile

Kim O'Keeffe and Louise Dickinson Slides 1.42 MBPPTXfile


Ward Accreditation - Case studies from Exemplar Wards

Vicky Dunne
Assistant Chief Nurse - Exemplar and Transformation
University College London Hospitals NHS Trust






  • meeting quality standards
  • the system explained
  • case studies from Accredited Exemplar Wards: our experience and what it has meant to us as a team

Vicky Dunne Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile

Vicky Dunne Slides 22.82 MBVND.MS-POWERPOINTfile

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