Optimising Electronic Prescribing & Medicines Administration (ePMA) in Hospitals

This National Conference, chaired by Professor Mike Fisher, focuses on the optimisation of Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (HePMA) examines the development of electronic prescribing systems towards advanced eprescribing, and closed loop medicines administration, ensuring the full clinical benefits are achieved.

ePrescribing: National Developments

Amanpreet Sidhu Lead Pharmacist Informatics
Barts Health NHS Trust

Reena Lal Deputy Lead ePMA Pharmacist 
Barts Health NHS Trust 

• national developments in eprescribing
• developing effective measures of eprescribing maturity
• where Electronic Prescribing fits into Electronic Patient Records
• standardizing eprescribing across hospitals: standards development
• the use of ‘ePRaSE’ (e-Prescribing Risk and Safety Evaluation) to make it easier for trusts to check if their systems are meeting best practice on avoiding major errors
• why we should be moving towards a closed loop system

Aman and Reena shared their experience of implementing ePMA, their first site to go live in August 21 was the Royal London which took 4 weeks, the following sites then took 3 weeks to roll out, as they learnt along the way. Pre go live they worked on staff engagement with user acceptance testing and a full dress rehearsal which was the first test with transcribers, they learnt a lot about timings.  The testing helped define critical changes to the system and 'nice to haves'.  Ahead of going live they also had knowledge transfer sessions and training and engagement sessions. They went live during the pandemic so they had Covid 19 preparations and guidelines in place for transcribers going from green to red wards.  Aman and Reena explained their pre go live process which included advertising the date well and drug chart preparation - drug histories were pre done on ePMA.  At go live wards were supported, helping with all aspects including administration.  They said the key message from their experience is the importance of communication, good briefing and making sure you celebrate along the way.  They went on to discuss extracting and using data for the safe and effective use of medicines for identifying trends and patterns and establishing dashboards and KPIs for medicine requests and looking at IV antibiotcs across the trust. 

Current Developments in ePrescribing and the Optimising ePrescribing Project

Tim Bourne Chief Medical Information Officer, Consultant Anaesthetist & Associate Medical Director
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

• overview of Optimising ePrescribing Project
• focus on qualitative data drawn from interviews
• learning from strategies employed at local, central and national policy level:
• configuration and workarounds
• interoperability and data sharing
• patient involvement
• next generation optimisation


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