Integrating clinical audit and QI teams
Craig Short
Quality Improvement Officer
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
• why there was a need to join our QI and Clinical audit teams
• how has that supported our improvement journey
• what do we plan to do next
Craig started with some definteions on clinical audit and talked through the timeline at Sherwood Forest. He also asked the delegates if clinical audit and improvement functions are part of the same team? 66% said yes
Craig discusses the link between QI and clinical audit. It starts with the audit that idenfies the problem, then move on to undertake a QI project, which then moves to re-audit.
Patient safety and clinical audit
Heather Darlow
Head of Clinical Quality and Governance
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
& Michael Spry
Independent Clinical Governance Specialist
• set the context of the new patient safety strategy and explore the role of improvement in delivering effective and sustainable change for the most important areas
• consider the patient safety priorities within organisations and how clinical audit can inform
• consider the opportunities the new patient safety incident framework offers in integrating and strengthening the role of clinical audit
Heather and Michael asked the audience is your clinical audit team aware/involved in what the new patient safety strategy means for your organisation with 67% of the delegates saying no.