Moving from Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to Liberty Protection Safeguards

News and updates from today's Moving from Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to Liberty Protection Safeguards conference 

Overview of the draft MCA Code and LPS regulations

Tim Spencer Lane
Mental Capacity Lawyer; and Senior Lecturer
Kingston University

• how does the Code define deprivation of liberty?
• what does the Code and regulations say about the 3 assessments (capacity, medical and necessary & proportionate) – what do they involve and who can carry them out? 
• how does the Code and regulations set out the new AMCP role? Who can carry out this role?
• what does the Code say about the responsible body role
• what guidance is given to responsible bodies about giving authorisations?
• what does the Code say about rights to IMCAs?

EXTENDED SESSION: Liberty Protection Safeguards Ensuring effective use and compliance with the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019

Hannah Nicholas
Founder, Mental Capacity Cat
and Locum Adult Social Care and Health Solicitor

• practical implications of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019
• mental capacity and DoLs during Covid-19: current issues
• ensuring compliance
• implications for current and future cases
• challenges, grey areas and difficult issues in practice
• the impact of LPS on number of cases and workload
• issues for the transition period
• implementation planning and the new Code of Practice


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