Developing the Role of the Nursing Associate

Conference chair:  Ali Richards Associate Director of Nursing Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trustoundation Trust

 The Nursing Associate Role: Regulation and Standards

Wendy Fowler Nursing Education Adviser Nursing and Midwifery Council

• regulation of the Nursing Associate Role
• developing the nursing associate standards
• delegation and accountability implications

In her presentation Wendy discussed the standards of proficiency for nursing associates, these include helping nursing associates by providing clarity about their role, providing clarity on what knowledge and skills other health and care professionals can reasonably expect from nursing associates and allowing education institutions to develop and deliver programmes that give students the skills, knowledge and behaviours to meet these standards when they qualify.

Wendy commented "Like with nurses and other healthcare professionals, nursing associates can expand their knowledge and skills with the right training and governance. The intention is for nursing associates to support, not replace, registered nurses."

EXTENDED SESSION: National Update, Implementing the role in practice and looking to the future

Julie Mulinga Programme Lead – Nursing associate University of Cumbria

• the Nursing Associate: national update
• implementing the role in practice – delegation and accountability
• the Nursing Associate role in improving safety and quality of care during Covid-19
• maintaining consistency in pay, conditions and deployment
• ensuring patients and the public understand the role
• looking to the future

This conference is also taking place on Thursday 22nd September 2022. Book here 

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