Decisions about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) : Ensuring Effective & Person Centred Practice

News and presentations from today's conference focusing on the important issue of effective person centred practice in CPR decisions and communication.


Empowering people to make informed decisions about their care

Sarah Malik
Senior Information Nurse
Compassion in Dying

• focusing on the patient, not the decision
• empowering people to record their wider preferences for care
• providing support for people, their families and as partners in personalised care, to understand what good practice looks like for CPR decisions

Sarah began her presentation by talking about the vision of Compassion in Dying - 'Our vision is a world in which individuals get the end of life care that's right for them'

Sarah explained that a survey they carried out found that 76% of people have strong wishes regarding end of life.  She continued 'There was a distinct increase in the pandemic with people asking advice on CPR. 

'We think Good Communication is key, what worries us is lack of respectful and honest conversation between clinicians and patients'

Sarah concluded her talk by explaining their recommendations which include 'Clear and accessible information on CPR, Conversations about what matters to each patient, to improve public understanding about CPR and record keeping'

'Sarah ended by saying 'We want to make sure that people's voices are heard'

Decisions about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Learning from the Pandemic

Rosie Benneyworth
Chief Inspector 
Primary Medical Services and Integrated Care Care Quality Commission

• learning from the pandemic
• the rapid review of how cardiopulmonary rescuscitation decisions were used during the coronavirus pandemic
• improving involvement of people using services, record keeping, and oversight and
 scrutiny of the decisions being made

Rosie began by saying ' The CQC are the independent regulators of health and adult social care in England'

She continued by explaining 'After our review on DNACPR during the pandemic we found there was a lack of support when staff wanted to raise concerns about this'

Rosie said 'We are aware of the huge pressure that staff are under' 'There was a lack of awareness and confidence among peoples families and care workers about what a DNACPR decision meant and how to challenge this?'

Rosie concluded by saying 'I would like to see a national campaign about End of Life and what good looks like', ' We are going in the right direction but we need to go faster'

Improving the quality of End of Life Advance Care Planning & What Matters Most Conversations

Dr Catherine Millington-Sanders
GP Royal College of General Practitioners &
Marie Curie National End of Life Care Clinical Champion



• RCGP Daffodil Standards - Bite-size quality improvement diagnostics for Advance Care Planning in General Practice
• Improving Advance Care Planning conversations in Older People’s Care Homes
• ensuring personalised and compassionate decision making
• improving early ‘What Matters Most’ conversations
• ensuring a consistent national approach to advance care planning

Catherine started by saying 'It should be a fundamental human right that we have a good end of life experience'

Catherine went on to talk about The Daffodil standards which are 'The UK standards for Advanced serious illness and End of Life Care' 

Catherine went on to say 'We should share learning and see where we can offer support to eachother' she also said 'There should be no blanket DNACPR policies - it must be part of what matters to you conversations'.

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