This year marks the revalidation of the first ever Nursing Associates to join the NMC register, according to NMC.
The genesis of the nursing associate role in England was captured in the Shape of Caring Review (2016) commissioned by HEE (Health Education England) and led by Lord Willis. This review identified an ambition expressed by nurses across health and social care that a new role, positioned between health care support workers and registered nurses, should be developed in England.
Sam Donohue names three core elements of the Nursing Associate role, developed through national workshops:
1. The role should work alongside nurses across all services and settings and be regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
2. Nursing associates are to be a unique professional nursing role that draws knowledge, skills and competence from all four of the nursing fields of practice.
3. There should be clear progression pathways both into the nursing associate role and from nursing associate to registered nurse.
To better understand the elements of the role, and how the role is being delivered in practice, join our timely Developing the Role of the Nursing Associate conference. Through national updates, case studies from the Nursing Associate test sites, and perspectives from Nursing Associates the conference will look at the developing role, regulation of the role, accountability, support and practice development, competence and how you can prepare for the introduction of the role in your service.
The conference will allow you to network with colleagues who are implementing and developing the Nursing Associate role, and to understand how to support nursing associates in your service. The conference also supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes.
Read more about our Nursing Associate conference here, or to read Sam Donohue's full statement please visit the NMC website.