Measuring, Understanding and Acting on Patient Experience Insight

News and Updates from today's Patient Experience Insight conference, focusing on measuring, understanding and acting on patient experience insight, and demonstrating responsiveness to that insight to ensure Patient Feedback is translated into quality improvement and assurance.

Chair’s Welcome & Introduction

Paul Jebb
Associate Director of Nursing Experience & Engagement Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust & 2021 Patient Experience NHS Manager of the Year, The Patient Experience Network



Patient Experience Measurement

Chris Graham
Chief Executive
The Picker Institute

• what tools and techniques are available to establish how far patient experience is embedded in leadership, culture and operational processes
• methods for measuring, monitoring, and understanding people’s experiences of care
• making measurement meaningful
• closing the patient experience loop – providing feedback to demonstrate responsiveness and continuous learning

Chris Graham presents the person centred care approach, an approach that promotes an aspired quality of care. The person centred care puts users at the heart of the services, encouraging the view of a patient as a participant rather than the reciever of care. The user plays an active role, instead of a passive role, empowering users to be involved in the care they receive. 

After discussing the brief history of Patient Experience, Chris discusses the difference between Patient Satisfaction and Patient Experience. Patient Experience tends to view patient care through a more objective lens, aiming to understand what good care looks like. On the other hand, Patient Satisfaction tends to provide meaningless expressions of satisfaction. Chris argues that reporting on your experience rather than your satisfaction allows you to be more direct and objective, making the result more reliable. 

The session presents and discusses in more detail the 6Ws of survey deisgn that need to be understood: Why, What, Who, When, Where, and hoW. 


Using the National Patient Experience Improvement Framework

Ruth Evans MBE
Managing Director
The Patient Experience Network

• using the national framework to establish how far patient experience is embedded in leadership, culture and operational processes
• using the framework in practice
• making measurement meaningful
• case studies of good practice from PEN Award Winners

PEN's mission is to recognise, share and celebrate best practice in patient experience and to measure, embed and sustain this for on-going improvement.

The three thruths of patient experience:

Improving it isn't easy or simple! / It's both the what and the how / It can be difficult to measure well.


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