Day Surgery in Gynaecology

News and updates from today's Day Surgery in Gynaecology conference 

Day Case Laparoscopic Hysterectomies

Mr Jonathan Hindley
Consultant Gynaecologist
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

• Torbay Day Surgical Unit
• Case Study - Patient SC
• Day Case TLH and Hysterectomies
• GIRFT, Audit of service, and challenges going forwards

Chair’s Welcome and Introduction: Optimising your Day Case Gynaecology Pathway

Dr Mary Stocker
Past President BADS
Consultant Anaesthetist
 Torbay & South Devon Healthcare Trust

• Patient selection and suitability for day case surgery
• Planning for successful day surgery
• Developing your care pathway: what needs to be in place?

Mary spoke at today’s conference about Optimising your Day Case Gynaecology Pathway. She started off my saying “to be a day case you have to be admitted and discharged on the same day. Day surgery pathway starts at GP referral up until the patient goes home. “

Pre-operative assessment

Plan appointment at time and place convenient and appropriate for the patient.

  • Ideally offer a on-stop service immediately after surgical OPC.
  • Face to face nurses working within the day surgery team.
  • Anaesthetic review of notes or patients as appropriate


Vaginal Prolapse Surgery as a Day Case Surgery

Mr Naru Narayanan
Consultant Gynaecologist
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

• Booking and pre assessment process
• Surgery techniques
• Post op procedure


Emergency Ambulatory Gynaecology

Dr Theresa Hinde
Consultant Anaesthetist
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Secretary The British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)

• Finding the time for urgent and emergency gynaecology cases
• Experience in developing an emergency ambulatory pathway
• Lessons learned

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