Chair’s Welcome and Introduction - Dr Kim Russon
Immediate Past President The British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)
& Consultant Anaesthetist The Rotherham Foundation Trust Hospital
Covid-19 and it’s impact on surgery
Dr Justin Kua
NIAA HSRC Clinical Research Fellow
ICU Clinical Fellow, The London Clinic
Anaesthetic SpR
• Impact of Covid-19 on surgery
• The timing of surgery
Justin starts by stating that 6 million people waiting for treatment within the UK
Justin goes on to discuss 3 different patient groups for elective surgrey in terms of Covid and their risk
- New normal, covid free, fully vaccinated, lowest risk
- Acute Covid-19, tested postivie, with or without symptoms, hightest risk
- Post Covid-19, previous covid infection, 7+ weeks ago, may or may not have symptoms/long covid, intermediate risk