Effective Non Medical Prescribing in End of Life Care

Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing: National Update

Dr Barry Quinn
Senior Lecturer for Cancer and Palliative Care
Queen’s University Belfast

• national developments in nurse/non medical prescribing
• NMP at the end of life & Covid-19
• developing confidence and competence in your ability to prescribe
• demonstrating compliance with the NMC Code for revalidation
• the benefits of nurse/non medical prescribing in end of life care

Nigel discussed a quote he was told “a good prescriber will know when to prescribe and when not to prescribe”

Barry went through the changes and updates in the RPS framework to the latest 2021 update with the implementation by September 2022

New standard, not about years of experience anymore, but about skills including; clinical and health assessment, diagnostics, care management, planning and evaluation care

Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing in end of life care Non-medical prescribing in end of life care in the community

Nigel Dodds
Consultant Nurse, Community Nursing
St Christopher’s Hospice

• anticipatory prescribing in end of life care in the community
• an overview of non-medical prescribing within a large community palliative care team
• supporting non-medical prescribers with a national community of practice

End of life care is foreseeable

Practise and problems are foreseeable

Anticipating a future we do not know

Anticipatory prescribing of injectable medications at EOL for community patients is good practise to achieve timely symptom control

Increasing learning opportunities and addressing governance issues provides clinician support, safety and oversight

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